IOS 16.1.1 is the latest version of iOS and comes with some new features including the ability to change your wallpapers, a new feature called “LifeKit” that provides you with more information about your health, and a lot more.
iOS 16.1 brings several under-the-hood changes to the operating system, including an updated version of Siri, a new feature called LifeKit that lets you track your health data via Apple Watch, and a number of other minor improvements to make your device run even faster.

Jailbreak iOS device
Jailbreaking is the process of removing restrictions, or limitations, placed on your iPhone by the Apple Store and other software developers. It’s the only way to get rid of those annoying ads, unlock all the features your iPhone can do and experience more customization than ever.
Jailbreaking has become a thing in recent years, with countless apps available for download on Cydia, the world’s largest repository for jailbroken apps.
How to Jailbreak iOS
The process of jailbreaking is fairly simple, but it varies depending on what model of iPhone you have. If you have an iPhone 7 or newer, the process is relatively simple. You can use the Pangu jailbreak tool to do it for you automatically. If you have an older model iPhone, however, things are a bit more complicated.
Jailbreak iOS 16.1 / Jailbreak iOS 16.1.1
1. Sileem Repo Extractor
Sileem is one of the best jailbreak tool that you can use to install Cydia on your iPhone or iPad. This is a free jailbreak app that has been developed by Saurik himself and it enables you to install Cydia on any iOS device.
It is a simple and easy to use tool that allows you to download themes, tweaks and other 3rd party apps from cydia. The app also allows you to remove all ads from it.
The main advantage of Sileem is that it supports both Windows and Mac OS X platforms so you don’t have to worry about compatibility issues while using this app.
Download Sileem Repo Extractor from zjailbreak.
2. Zeon Repo Extractor
Zeon is another iOS jailbreak repo extractor which comes with full jailbreak tweaks. Jailbreak iOS 16.1 or Jailbreak iOS 16.1.1 is not necessary when you can get all the Jailbreak features through the Zeon. Zeon works with iOS 16.1 and iOS 16.1.1 versions.
You can download the latest version of Zeon from its official website and install it on your device to get all the tweaks and features working on your device without any problems and issues at all.
Download Zeon Repo Extractor
Zeon is a powerful tool which allows you to search for a particular tweak or package in the repo manager and then install it on your device with just one click of a button. You don’t need to worry about any type of permission request from the app because Zeon will do everything for you automatically so that you don’t have to do anything else except for clicking on the button!
3. Unc0ver Virtual jailbreak
Unc0ver virtual iOS jailbreak is an alternative method to jailbreak iOS 16.1 and 16.1.1. We are aware that the Unc0ver semi-untethered iOS jailbreak tool does support iOS 14.8.1 and onwards. iOS 14.8 is the last jailbreakable version for Unc0ver Virtual jailbreak.
Unc0ver is a semi-untethered jailbreak for iOS 12, 12.1 and 12.2, which means you don’t have to re-jailbreak your device every time you want to update it or want to install new apps on it or want to use Cydia Substrate or Winterboard tweaks on it. But it doesn’t mean that you can’t re-jailbreak your device at any time in future if required (which will be possible only if your device has been updated with the latest iTunes version).
4. Checkra1n Virtual jailbreak
As we all know, the iOS 14.x and 15.x are supported by Cydia Substrate but not by Checkra1n Semi-Tethered tool.

Checkra1n Virtual tool is special an online edition to experience the Jailbreak iOS 16.1 and Jailbreak iOS 16.1.1. Checkra1n lets you install Cydia virtually after completing the Jailbreak process on iOS 16.1. Checkra1n Virtual is also compatible with iOS 16.1.1 too.
Here’s a detailed article on Checkra1n beta 0.12.5 for windows.
5. Cheyote virtual Jailbreak
Cheyote is a rootless jailbreak tool that will be released by CoolStar soon. This tool will be compatible with iOS versions from 15 to 15.1.1 and it will be able to install cydia for iOS 15 through the Cydia application on your phone or tablet.
Cheyote is future rootless jailbreak by CoolStar which will be releasing soon. After it is released, Cheyote will be compatible for jailbreak iOS 15 and jailbreak iOS 15.1.1 versions initially.
So we need to use an alternative for iOS 16.1 and iOS 16.1.1 as well as iOS 17, 18, 19 and 20 which are currently not supported by any jailbreak tool available in the market today except XProtect jailbreak by @Elijah_M [github] who has been working hard on this project for quite some time now but unfortunately he hasn’t been able to release anything yet because of Apple’s security updates etc..
6. Zylon
Zylon is a community based third party development platform. where you can install and jailbreak iOS 16.1 and jailbreak iOS 16.1.1. iOS tweaks, iOS themes, Setting tweaks and many more app can be installed only from Zylon.
Zylon iOS 16.1 / iOS 16.1.1 Jailbreak Apps
Zylon is a better alternative to Cydia Impactor and requires no jailbreak to use it. These apps have been tested on various versions of the device and worked fine on them all
Zylon Mods
Zylon Mods are the best way to get latest and greatest tweaks & themes for your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch running iOS 11/10/9/8/7/6 or even earlier versions of the system such as iOS 9 Beta 2 and earlier versions of the system such as iOS 9 Beta 1 and earlier versions of the system such as iOS 8 Beta 2.
7. iBundles
iBundles is a website that provides jailbreak related content. iBundles consists of jailbreak iOS 16.1 and jailbreak iOS 16.1.1 also related websites & apps. You can install many jailbreak iOS 16.1 and iOS 16.1.1 apps from iBundles partner website easily. icon changer, iPhone tweak, theme collection, uncommon wallpaper, setting tweaks, custom Apple boot logos and many other apps can be installed from iBundles.
The iBundles is a bundle of all the websites of the iBundles partners. It includes 18 websites, such as Cydia Impactor, iFile, Redsn0w and more.